smh [in drafts]



Got this idea in my head … stayed more than a week

Mentioned before about breaking up with the internet

Has evolved into breaking from parts of the internet

Aiming for peaceful co-existence with internet


See the edges of harmonized me [actual + digital]

Understand scope of data collected from me

Reverse my path of omnipresence … I am only where I am …

If I’m not there, neither is my data … true inbox zero

Footprint or tattoo either way I want delete control

Reposition my digiself to be in service to my actual

Still have all benefits of connectivity

I want complete digital agency and ownership

Create a How to / How did manual … sort of

Explore implications – social, emotional, professional, relational, creative …

Weigh Costs -actual, future, hidden

Reveal / deal – assumptions, bias, inequity

Identify and imagine build [rebuild?] the benefits

Actualize ‘On the grid’ autonomy, not hacked or dark web

Reconfig / evolve mindset, mindfulness, mine

Focus / activate my ‘why’?

Share on my terms


got this idea in my head.
and its been fed
with fears.
and appears to be
getting fatter.

No matter.
its space is traced
with gilded

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